Thread: me vs. mt biker
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Old 10-19-2002, 10:41 PM   #42
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: The stixx
Age: 38
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Originally posted by mt.biker
There are a few places like this and the other 5 we checked out were to danerous to drive on.

Robert will be quicker on the brakes and the cyclst wont be a dick and cross in a dangerous area.
Remember mike I ride my bike more then I drive, I can tell you that this cyclst (mid 30, good shape) could have hauled ass to get out of the way of the car. But he didn't. next time he will. Now he has learn. Just as their are bad drivers they are bad bikers, he was one of them. I have almost lost my life on a few occations to cars when I've been riding, but it has never been because i wasn't trying to get out of the way. This cyclist was in the wrong!

I will correct firstgeardude it wasn't raining the sun was coming out from a night of rain. The streets we wet, not oil and drying.

I dont know about everyone else but i think i would have to say that both sides are right and wrong. Im not sure of laws in canada but i think that pedestrians have the right away over cars. And that maybe the biker didnt see the cars coming or was listening to music or something. BUT v8 didnt have the right to generalize all honda owners as "ricers" granted both sides are wrong. BUT look at it this way: If YOU were that cyclists (or friend or family) how would you feel being put in that exact same situation? And as for the drying road thing isnt it know in canada that roads are slickest with in the first minutes of raining and last minutes of drying?
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