Originally posted by spoogenet
Is it vehicle speed or engine speed one must worry about the most?
I would definitely say don't leave you A/C on when you turn on/off the car. Going 0-2000 rpm in a split second is hell on a compressor. Also I would avoid turning it on/off with a high engine speed. This is the first I've heard of vehicle speed having anything to do with it, please elaborate.
Another thing to note, though, is that while you're driving around the compressor isn't running non-stop. It switches itself on/off. I can always notice when it switches on/off because my power changes significantly for the better when it goes off, and I start to get warmer in the car.....
the vehicle speed has to do with the AC because at higher speeds usually therpms are higher.
and you make a good point with the on compressor on and off during the time the ac is running. if it wouldn't be safe the ac wouldn't have turned itself on and off.