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Old 05-22-2006, 10:25 AM   #19
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 612
There are alot of alternatives to burning oil, some more basic then others. Interestingly enough lot of those are being held from entering the US market place in favor of hybrid cars that really aren't a good alternative to a better fuel source.

This water, and other inventions/discoveries like it are helpful but only if they can be used to ease the demand for oil. I recall reading/watching something on a machine that could make oil from any carbon based item. The process used pressure and steam to cause the items to break down. It was expected to bring the price of oil down to $20/barrel. Problem is there is no money in cheap energy.

Who know if any of these things are true, or will ever come to main use in our life times. It seems to me that people can still support the $3-4/gal prices we're paying recently. I gather until we've been raped for everything we have, we wont see much push for alternatives. Gas companies are scoring record profits in these high prices for gas. Those gas companies own the house. Nothing will change until they cant make money.

I'm trying to do my part though. As a family we consume less gas for our cars. We've made a choice to comute less for things.
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