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Old 03-31-2006, 08:56 AM   #50
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: At the end of the longest line
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Again, I'm going with Rob on this one (scary, isn't it?).

Revival...I hate to say this, but your relationship, as it were, is a sham. All of the troubles you've been kind enough to share tell me that, among other things, there is almost literally no trust in your "relationship". If your boyfriend trusted you, he wouldn't feel the need to "test" you (and the way he did it makes me believe he may be borderline retarded). Your lack of fidelity, physical or otherwise, makes me believe you have some serious issues with you relationship as well. Flirting with other men is never innocent and it is never ok. It's a sign that you want out of said relationship and will belittle your boyfriend to obtain said goal. Not to excuse what your boyfriend did, but your actions are just as subject to suspect. You say that love makes you do stupid things. That's bullshit. YOU make you do stupid things. Since love is biochemically no different than eating large amounts of chocolate, one could surmize that common sense could overcome "love". I use qutations because I don't think what you have is love, it's security. Without trust there isn't love and I can site numerous examples of a lack of trust just in the one post you've made in this thread. I'm by no means trying to put you down or chase you off...this is simply my opinion based on what you've posted. I know the last thing a 17 year old wants is advice. I was once a 17 year old myself. But take it from a're not doing yourself any favors.
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