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Old 05-09-2004, 11:39 PM   #13
4th Gear
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Boulder, CO
Age: 44
Posts: 830
NO MOVIES!!! Movies are for post-third-date. Think about it- how well can you get to know someone in a dark room, both staring straight ahead not looking at each other, when you're not supposed to talk? I'd say go to dinner- a long dinner. Plan to be there at least an hour (maybe two). Order an appetizer AND dessert to make it last longer. Sit, talk, and get to know each other, but the girls are right- expensive dinners are intimidating at first. Save it for the fifth or sixth- after you're both sure you're digging each other. Do it for no apparent reason, and surprise her- just make sure to tell her to dress up so you don't embarrass her at a nice place.

Take her someplace to do something fun- something where you're actually DOING something that will make her smile and laugh. Think about it- movies are okay, but how much FUN are you really having? On my first date with my girlfriend, we went to the aquarium, had a long dinner at this GREAT Italian place (not expensive, just good food and a fun place), and went for a carriage ride through downtown.

Put some thought into it- I guarantee she'll remember how much fun she had a lot more than how much money you spent. Whatever you do, make it unique, make it FUN, and make it something she'll remember and associate with you for a long time.

PS- icksnay on the oftballsay. Don't make her do something she doesn't want to. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
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