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Old 02-28-2004, 12:04 PM   #19
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Rusho
If that SRT was AWD, I would be all over it like flies on a ribroast...

alright, let me make this clear.

Everyone here, LIKES the fact that AWD are fast. I actually had an AWD talon tsi as most of you know.

Basically, the reason I want the SRT-4 over a WRX is this.

First, if anyone of you have probalby noticed, they are expensive to modify. The SRT-4 is not.

Now most people (dumbestic people) say that oh its FWD how fast can you make it blahblahblah ghey.

AWD is only good off the line, unless it is heavily modified. Problems with AWD is not just the tranny. But, at a roll, if your going against a car that has the same or more horsepower, AWD doesnt really matter. If you have a quick spooling turbo, or a heavily reinforced one, the AWD is gone. My tsi tied several FWD and RWD cars from a roll. And lost to FWD cars from a light, because i may have gotten the jump but the WHP in the other car was able to catch up and beat me.

What some of you may not know, is that this is not the standard neon engine with a few bolt ons as acura 86 said. No NO nO. this is much more then that. Its an entirely diff. engine. An engine which is completely open to modification. Like highlander said he saw a stock SRT run a 14.1 which is OK. But then one with an Exhaust a radials and intake? run a 13.2....a 13.2 is what an evo V||| and STi run stock. Now, what does this mean? This means that for 22,000 dollars (21,699 for the car, plus the intake and exhaust and tires.) I will be running with evos and STi's and still not even equalling the cost of a bone stock STi or evo.
Also, the SRT-4 comes with limited slip differential which of course mopar has made an upgrade for for 1,000 dollars......are you reading that.....1,000 dollars. That is cheap IMO. I looked up the HPracing package for the t3/04 turbo (capable of 500+whp) wastegate, acutator etc... for 2,000. 2,000 dollars. CHEAP. They have a full site dedicated to the upgrading of just the SRT-4 which i have only found for hondas otherwise. This is just for the SRT-4 just that model. I like that idea. If you dont i have no clue why. But, as for the looks, clean bodykits, eye lids, hoods trunks wings etc... have all come out for it already. I think the only thing that i would change on the outside would be the headlights, aka i would get the eye lids. And lower the car, then its all performance from there.

Trust me, if I wanted an AWD car, i would already be rolling in a WRX, not the STi cause i think they are way way overpriced for what they are, same for the evo. (call me crazy if you want too) i love both those cars, but damn, for that money i can get a supra. Thats my feelings.

Just, i want a car thats fast stock, so when i roll up next to cobras when im still saving money for a new part, i can still whoop some ass, rather than have to wait to save up for one part that will make my car fast. And most of you are hypocritical, most of you think that the looks of the car dont determine anything, yet you comment on how you think its ugly. Good thats your Opinion, i like the new style, its much diff. from the normal neon IMO. But just dont contradict yourselves. Look at it from the performance end if you dont care about looks.
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