Thread: 1 bridged sub
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Old 06-24-2003, 12:36 AM   #2
Posts: n/a much do you wanna spend......a resonant engineering SE 12 in 2.5cu ft vented would slam...but a 200x2 amp isnt gonna push it.......

you could get an infinity perfect for around $125

or a Elemental design something or other for about $200

ummmm Most subs will work by themselves but it's a matter of how hard they will hit and so on....some subs can sound good and sum can sound like's all in what you wanna spend kinda........

but if it was me i sould go with an ED sun or a RE sub and upgrade the amp for the RE could get a lanzar vibe 800 for less than $100 off ebay

also the ED sub is optimized for a sealed box......

those 3 subs are good SQ subs.....they hit hard and sound damn good doing it......
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