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Old 03-05-2003, 01:41 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
95 civic ex vs some neon

welllllllll.........i was out at the DMV a couple weeks ago minding my own business when this butt ugle neon rolls up next to me farting all the way with a big ass APC sticker on the winshield.....thats not the best was like a light blue color with some orangeish yellow triangles all over it...i kinda laughed and the dood saw he starts to rev at me like a i usualy dont do this just because my car is a SOHC completely stock...but as soon as the light turned red (2 lane turn) i stomped it....well he followed me around a little then i decided to see if hed follow me to the highway and poof he did.......he was behind me and i let him get next to me on the instead of him getting next to me so we could both take off at the same time he just keeps i stomp it and go like hell.....and as soon as i mash the pedal i started catching up.....i got about half a length next to him and kept pace and he just kept the pedal down and i decided to quit playin with him and just kept pulling away.....after he was about 3 cars behind me i slowed down for this notorious State dick spot and he came up again so i stomped it again.....finaly i let him pass me while hes flipping me off the whole way i'm laughing my ass off....i caught up with him once we reached town and got right behind him and just laughed and he pulled out and i saw him throw his arms up......since i needed to get back home i didnt turn around and kick his scrawny ass.....but i guess he figured he cant beat me in a race he can try and beat me up.....too bad he didnt know he would have lost that too.........

i love the retards
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