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Old 02-22-2003, 11:52 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
94ex accord vs. 96dx accord

Well I was coming back from mobile and after recieving a speeding ticket for going 89 in a 65 I said, " I beat someones going to race me tonight". I have the worst luck trying to street race it seems no one wants too. Tonight was different. I pulled on to Hardy street in hattiesburg and as I pulled onto the street a maroon 94 ex accord pulled nest to me. I knew this guy from before. When I was the drive in at the Smoothie king and he reved at me. WHEN I WAS IN THE DRIVE THROUGH!!!! So I wanted a piece of him. Him and I reved at each other some and played around till we got a stoplight. We waited for the light to turb green and hten we took off. He got me on the launch but I started to catch up on him and by the end of 1st gear I had started to pass him and I just walked away from him. It was sooo Wonderful to finally beat this guys ass. I gave him another go and this time chirped the tires and walked away from him. We pulled over at hte McDonalds and we started talking. It was a 94 ex automatic. He had a apex sri and a high flow cat with a catback exhaust and arospeed muffler. His license plate said GOTVTEC on it too. So as the conclusion to this story VTEC can kiss my @$$
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