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Old 02-11-2003, 12:54 AM   #2
Posts: n/a
Damn, ASC Aftermarket? Mine flew off on the freeway. But I had a problem like that while i still had it. Power is never the problem. And you say it only clicks once. Sometimes it just gets out of track and you just need to push the glass up and it snaps back in. That happened whenever i hit a nasty bump. Your motor could have lost it's juice too, but i doubt it. Can you see your belts? Also whens the last time you had it maintenanced, greased and whatnot? Aftermarkets are a b1tch and you gotta take care of them good or else they leak air and water, jam, or, like me, shatter and fly off. I was told to get mine looked at once a year but i didnt want to pay 56.50 and looked what happened!!
one more Q: does your sunroof retract as well as pop out and vent?
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