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Old 11-21-2001, 01:14 AM   #7
4th Gear
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The plumbing to run the intercooler is different.

Everybody thinks they know what my answer will be.

If money is a consideration, go turbo. It's easier to build a fast, safe car. People run into reliability issues when it isn't done correctly- which is true with any setup. The reason turbo gets a bad wrap is because you have a lot of people trying to squeeze more power than they should out of their setups (turning up the boost too high), and their engine isn't built adequately to take it. This is a lot easier to do in a turbo car than any other setup. So just don't get power hungry and give your engine more than it can handle. I would not boost more than 10 psi on a stock H22 block, and I would definitely not boost an engine with more than 100K on the odometer.

As for the kit, here's what I would do: skip the GReddy. GReddy makes a great product, but you can get a better setup for less money from someone else. If you're set on getting a kit, get a RevHard. However, I'd piece it together myself: Turbonetics T3/T4 ball bearing turbo, Spearco intercooler, and RevHard plumbing, among other things.

As for all motor- much more expensive, and harder to do right (IMO). I wouldn't do an all motor H22- yet. Jun has H22 camshafts in the works, but no release date on them yet. I'd wait for those before recommending an H22 all motor build to anyone. Once they come out, I can see ETAs in the mid to high 11s on a serious H22 build.
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