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Old 11-23-2002, 11:38 PM   #49
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Your basing all of your responces on exceptions to the rule not the rule.

My point is no there is a VERY distinct difference between virgins and those who have had sex more than once or twice.

If a 16 year old girl is like the ones your describing she IS that way because of either some guy or some family member. PERIOD.

You don't just wake up one morning a slam pig who wants to use her vagina to get what she wants (even if 1 in a million does that's not enough of a percentage to base your STANDARDS on.)

As far as it NOT being rape when a 15 year old girl doesn't have the gumption or confidence or whatever to say no... YOUR TOTALLY WRONG. that's why statutory rape charges exist... because while SOME 15 year olds are ready to take charge of a situation MOST are not.

If an 18 year old is too uncomfortable to say she doesn't want to have sex then yes it's her fault. if a 15 year old girl is too uncomfortable to tell her 15 year old bf then it's not really his fault. BUT if your over 18 and you have sex with a 15 year old and she didn't want to or didn't know how to stop the situation it's YOUR fault. She's 15 and assuming that she is making adult decisions is not your place. If you worked at a car dealership and she had cash in hand you wouldn't sell her a car.
1. because she's under the legal driving age

Sure some adults make dumb kid decisions... some kids make adult decisions.. sure 18 year olds aren't very much more mature than 16-17 year olds. But that doesn't help you when your in jail because the girl you thought was experienced or ready or whatever was lying or that her parents don't give a crap if she is ready. The law will side with the parents everytime.

Even if it's consentual sex before during and after a 15 year old has no say as to what her parents do. so if they feel like having you locked up it won't be a problem.

Just as a side note I know a guy who picked up some girl on a saturday night she wasn't innocent and knew exactly what she was doing and had no complaints before during or after.

Her parents pressed charges (she was 16) and he got sent to jail. spent 2 years in jail and is on parole/probation for the next 5 years and I believe he has to register as a sex offender.

It's just not worth it.

And Ds.... Come on have you ever dated a guy that you KNEW you would NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES have sex with??

If yes then that's just patronizing and worse for the guy. If you think your doing him a favour your wrong.

If not you should see why I am relating dating with sex... that and the fact that the title of the thread is "underage booty"

I am an A$$hole... take anything I say to heart at YOUR OWN RISK...
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